Child Minding


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Child Minding

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Child Minding FAQs:

  • What is Child Minding? Child Minding service for members and day pass patrons who require short term care for their children while they are using other parts of the Cor Van Raay YMCA facility. (Including Lime Health/Iris Eye Care)
  • What are the ages?   Child Minding accepts children aged 6 weeks- 7 years old.
  • Who can use the room?   Members and day pass patrons
  • Is there a cost?   Child Minding is included in the Adult membership, for day pass patrons it is $5 an hour pre child.
  • Do I need to check in?   Yes, when you arrive in Child Minding, you will be checked in by our staff.
  • Where is it? Child Minding is in the Child Minding Room between Indoor Play and the Rec Room, in the galleria (main hallway) of the Cor Van Raay YMCA. It is north east from the membership desk.
  • What do I need to bring? Parents/guardians are to provide diapers, wipes and snacks that their child may require. Personal belongings are to be labeled and picked up each day. Due to the potential for serious allergic reactions, nuts and nut products are not allowed in the Child Minding Room.
  • Can I pre-book? Yes, there is block booking available for members. QR codes are available in the room and by email two weeks before the program session starts.
    • Members can block book for up to three children in their families.
    • Block booking applies to the full program session. Booking is only available on new program dates.
    • Booking is available for two hours, either morning or afternoon, up to three days per week. Additional uses are on a first come, first serve basis

Stay and Play  FAQs:

  • What is Stay and Play? Play based activities for children age 0-7 and parents/guardians to do together with a YMCA staff guiding them. This program is to provide more for parents/guardian to do at the YMCA with their young children, and provide ideas for meaningful play and development in children’s early years.
  • Who can use the program? Anyone, it is a free program for the public.
  • Is there a cost? Stay and Play  is Free.
  • Do I need to check in? Yes, when you arrive in Stay and Play, you will be checked in by our staff.
  • Where is it? The program is in the Child Minding Room between Indoor Play and the Rec Room, in the galleria (main hallway) of the Cor Van Raay YMCA. It is north east from the membership desk.
  • What do I need to bring? All activity supplies will be provided for the activities.

Questions? Email


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